Friday, October 7, 2011

Love! Esperanza!

I have this friend. He is weird! Sometimes I stare at him and secretly wish that I could have his brain so that I could just poke, pick it apart and see what goes on in there. He is crazy yet so profound. Well I mention him because he was the person to introduce me to the sweet sounds of Esperanza Spalding. She is the type of person who you can keep on replay for hours and even days. But you can be the judge of that.


Dreamy Droomer

It all started with a PVC jacket...

I fell in love with South African fashion designer Cleo Droomer the moment I saw the light blue PVC jacket (pictured above) in the South African Elle magazine. My love then grew to an obsession when I found out that as the winner of the 2010 ELLE New Talent Designer Search, he would collaborate with Mr Price to release a range that my tiny pockets could afford. The Cleo Droomer for Mr Price range is so delicious!

I got myself that amazing light blue dress with the POCKETS (because that how I can best describe it) and paired it with Mr Price cork-heel peep toe shoes and an old red leather belt with a giant clock on it (that I stole from my gran) and it looked fabulous (I had to say so myself) The collection as a whole is amazing! Because the range is so reasonably priced and sold at Mr Price stores nationally- EVERYONE will be wearing it but LUCKILY the designs are so simple and chic that you can wear them in a million and two ways without looking like the next person. The colours are cute and understated and the cut is flattering for all body types.

So you are probably making your way to Mr Price, right? Unfortunately, the range is selling faster than Busta Rhyme's 'Look at Me Now' rap. I wish you the best in finding something in stores... but you probably won't. Im sorry.


Monday, October 3, 2011

The Bang Bang Club

I consider myself as quite a nerd so it is probably not surprising that I absolutely love History. I really wish that more people could share my interest in things such as the French Revolution and even the Apartheid era. There was a recent debate in my class about whether it is important to 'harp' on about Apartheid even though we have been taught about for years and years already and should move on from it- and my answer is that we should. There is so much more to Apartheid than the white man's oppression of the black man that the History text books and protest poets have failed to mention. One of the most interesting parts of Apartheid (for me) is the black-on-black violence from around 1990 to 1994 so I was beyond excited when I found out that a movie was being made about this specific time.

'The Bang Bang Club' is a film based on the experiences of four combat photographers, Kevin Carter (played by Taylor Kitsch), Greg Marinovich (played by Ryan Phillippe), Ken Oosterbroek (played by Frank Rautenbach) and Joao Silver (played by Neels van Jaarsveld), during the Apartheid era (particularly in the townships of Southern Johannesburg from 1990 to 1994). The film highlights the fight for power as the Xhosa-dominated ANC and Zulu-dominated IFP political parties sensed the end of Apartheid. The townships such as Soweto set the scene for the most horrific black-on-black violence.

What I loved:

-Taylor Kitsch was sexy in his role of the troubled and Free-spirited Kevin Carter.

-The movie was not biased so as to create a hero and a villian. It exposed the inner-conflict of all parties involved even questioning the social responability of photo-journalists.

The not-so hott parts?

The South African accent is not that easy to imitate so Taylor Kitsch sounded like a drunk Australian half of the time. And the movie could be quite confusing without back round knowledge of the township violence.

My recommendations?

Watch it now! Go.

Uhm... kbye

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Transmogrification through Fashion

On a leisurely stroll down Eastwood Avenue ... I realised a very profound truth. At that moment in time, I looked (for lack of a better way to put it) like a hobo. But this got me thinking... Although I looked like an absolute travesty, I wasn't actually very far away from looking like my usual classy self. People who have no style (bless their souls...) often complain that they don't have the ability to dress nicely because they either don't have the clothes or the money to be fashionable. This is usually not the case because with a little vision and enthusiasm; you can turn hobo into Boho... You just need to swap a few things around. *licks the cheese off his joke*
Go from Hobo...

...To Boho chic. Something the Olsen Twins rock with ease.

Back to my case in hand. The jeans I was wearing were actually really great (*bows down and worships Meltz*) and the shirt underneath my hideous hoodie was in-fact an awesome vintage shirt. As much as it pains me to say this- I was wearing Crocs at the time too. But, had I removed the hoodie and replaced it with a black blazer, brushed my hair (so it looked half decent) and ditched the Crocs for some plim-soles... well... I'd look ready to go out to at least a semi-formal event. The difference? Shoes which you can get at PEP for R60 (Good quality for cheap), a brush through the hair and a borrowed (in my case on a permanent basis from my cousin's boyfriend) blazer. Sorted.

Using these two simple things added to what I was already wearing, I looked awesome. (If I don't say so myself...)

First impressions are a huge deal and it is important to always look your best. So why stress when you can easily find a way to make yourself look fresh without leaving you wallet empty. Don't think this applies to guys only since I'm writing this. Girls can just as easily find entire outfits that look awesome with a little creativity. Don't be afraid to express yourself through fashion. Take it from someone who used to be in the know, without the clothes.

Much Love :) xxx

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Like a Dream. Just Better.

I was dress shopping with one of my best friends on Tuesday- sipping on a Muggaccino (Mugg and Bean's awesome iced coffee blend) and flipping through Magazines- when I came across Vanity Fair's 17th Hollywood Issue. The cover almost stopped me from breathing and flipped my fainted heart side ways. Yes- I am being a bit dramatic but the cover is just that awesome!

At first glance, the cover features only Anne Hathaway, Jake Gyllenhaal, Ryan Reynolds and (one of my great loves) James Franco- but this is only the first panel. The cover also features 11 of Hollywood's other greatest and most exciting actors and actresses at the moment.

(From left to right): Ryan Reynolds, Jake Gyllenhaal, Anne Hathaway, James Franco, Jennifer Lawrence, Anthony Mackie, Olivia Wilde, Jesse Eisenberg, Mila Kunis, Robert Duvall, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Andrew Garfield, Rashida Jones, Garrett Hedlund and Noomi Rapace

Despite this cover being one of the most awesome covers in the history of awesome covers, Vanity Fair received a lot of criticism for this cover shoot. Some believed that the cover was racist because Anthony Mackie was the only black actor on the cover and Rashida Jones (daughter of African American musician and song writer, Quincy Jones) was apparently not black enough to be counted as 'non-white'. My take? The cover wasn't supposed to be politically correct and aren't we over this whole 'its-because-I'm-black' pitiful mind-set. You are insulting your own intelligence if the only defense you have to something as innocent and trivial as a glamorous magazine cover is crying 'Racist!'Someone went as far as to say that Hitler would be proud of the cover (and I laughed. At them!). Some people threw tantrums over two misspelled names (because obviously, Vanity Fair's big focus on that cover was spelling). OH! And let's not forget the random person who claimed that the lion cub being featured on the cover was animal abuse or something along that unsubstantiated and completely absurd line.

This cover is (should I say it again?) amazing. Featuring the good-looking James Franco, Joseph Gordon-Levitt (one of the few men who can pull of a slicked-back hair do) and Andrew Garfield and the oh-so flawless and fierce dames wearing vintage (Chanel to Yves Saint Laurent!). The only criticism I can give this cover is that I wasn't there in my Ellie Saab posing right in the middle of Joseph and Andrew (then my life would be complete).

So remember my lovely readers. Stay true. Stay you. And the race card is sooo over-played;-)
okayloveyoubye x

Friday, March 18, 2011

Not Even in the Bro-Shortage of 1883

Okay... So I haven't posted in ages. Excuses? For one, the amount of Maths homework I am getting is probably unconstitutional and secondly... I have shamefully spent my spare hours (after sleep deprivation and coffee highs) trying to catch up on How I Met Your Mother episodes and fixing that embarrassing hole in my favourite gym pants.
Annnnnnywaaaaay *cue that awkward silence moment* here is an awesome song that you can listen to in the mean time:-) Its relatively old but that doesn't make it any less AWESOME.

kbye x