Sunday, April 3, 2011

Transmogrification through Fashion

On a leisurely stroll down Eastwood Avenue ... I realised a very profound truth. At that moment in time, I looked (for lack of a better way to put it) like a hobo. But this got me thinking... Although I looked like an absolute travesty, I wasn't actually very far away from looking like my usual classy self. People who have no style (bless their souls...) often complain that they don't have the ability to dress nicely because they either don't have the clothes or the money to be fashionable. This is usually not the case because with a little vision and enthusiasm; you can turn hobo into Boho... You just need to swap a few things around. *licks the cheese off his joke*
Go from Hobo...

...To Boho chic. Something the Olsen Twins rock with ease.

Back to my case in hand. The jeans I was wearing were actually really great (*bows down and worships Meltz*) and the shirt underneath my hideous hoodie was in-fact an awesome vintage shirt. As much as it pains me to say this- I was wearing Crocs at the time too. But, had I removed the hoodie and replaced it with a black blazer, brushed my hair (so it looked half decent) and ditched the Crocs for some plim-soles... well... I'd look ready to go out to at least a semi-formal event. The difference? Shoes which you can get at PEP for R60 (Good quality for cheap), a brush through the hair and a borrowed (in my case on a permanent basis from my cousin's boyfriend) blazer. Sorted.

Using these two simple things added to what I was already wearing, I looked awesome. (If I don't say so myself...)

First impressions are a huge deal and it is important to always look your best. So why stress when you can easily find a way to make yourself look fresh without leaving you wallet empty. Don't think this applies to guys only since I'm writing this. Girls can just as easily find entire outfits that look awesome with a little creativity. Don't be afraid to express yourself through fashion. Take it from someone who used to be in the know, without the clothes.

Much Love :) xxx

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