Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Like a Dream. Just Better.

I was dress shopping with one of my best friends on Tuesday- sipping on a Muggaccino (Mugg and Bean's awesome iced coffee blend) and flipping through Magazines- when I came across Vanity Fair's 17th Hollywood Issue. The cover almost stopped me from breathing and flipped my fainted heart side ways. Yes- I am being a bit dramatic but the cover is just that awesome!

At first glance, the cover features only Anne Hathaway, Jake Gyllenhaal, Ryan Reynolds and (one of my great loves) James Franco- but this is only the first panel. The cover also features 11 of Hollywood's other greatest and most exciting actors and actresses at the moment.

(From left to right): Ryan Reynolds, Jake Gyllenhaal, Anne Hathaway, James Franco, Jennifer Lawrence, Anthony Mackie, Olivia Wilde, Jesse Eisenberg, Mila Kunis, Robert Duvall, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Andrew Garfield, Rashida Jones, Garrett Hedlund and Noomi Rapace

Despite this cover being one of the most awesome covers in the history of awesome covers, Vanity Fair received a lot of criticism for this cover shoot. Some believed that the cover was racist because Anthony Mackie was the only black actor on the cover and Rashida Jones (daughter of African American musician and song writer, Quincy Jones) was apparently not black enough to be counted as 'non-white'. My take? The cover wasn't supposed to be politically correct and aren't we over this whole 'its-because-I'm-black' pitiful mind-set. You are insulting your own intelligence if the only defense you have to something as innocent and trivial as a glamorous magazine cover is crying 'Racist!'Someone went as far as to say that Hitler would be proud of the cover (and I laughed. At them!). Some people threw tantrums over two misspelled names (because obviously, Vanity Fair's big focus on that cover was spelling). OH! And let's not forget the random person who claimed that the lion cub being featured on the cover was animal abuse or something along that unsubstantiated and completely absurd line.

This cover is (should I say it again?) amazing. Featuring the good-looking James Franco, Joseph Gordon-Levitt (one of the few men who can pull of a slicked-back hair do) and Andrew Garfield and the oh-so flawless and fierce dames wearing vintage (Chanel to Yves Saint Laurent!). The only criticism I can give this cover is that I wasn't there in my Ellie Saab posing right in the middle of Joseph and Andrew (then my life would be complete).

So remember my lovely readers. Stay true. Stay you. And the race card is sooo over-played;-)
okayloveyoubye x

Friday, March 18, 2011

Not Even in the Bro-Shortage of 1883

Okay... So I haven't posted in ages. Excuses? For one, the amount of Maths homework I am getting is probably unconstitutional and secondly... I have shamefully spent my spare hours (after sleep deprivation and coffee highs) trying to catch up on How I Met Your Mother episodes and fixing that embarrassing hole in my favourite gym pants.
Annnnnnywaaaaay *cue that awkward silence moment* here is an awesome song that you can listen to in the mean time:-) Its relatively old but that doesn't make it any less AWESOME.

kbye x