Sunday, November 7, 2010

Eat my Protractor!

"So what do you do on a Friday night? Study or something?"

That totally ridiculous question (that presented evidence of 'I don't think before I speak') was asked by a guy (let's call him Ziggy) in my class. I had the unlady-like urge to say, "Your mama!" but (luckily) I was too taken aback by his statement to give an immediate (and inappropriate reply).

People still stereotype the 'clever' kids into the Nerd Box.

Nerds. The word bring to mind Vitamin-D deprived teenage boys who can think of little more exciting than having a Level 80 Blood Elf on WoW (and if that didn’t immediately translate to World of Warcraft you are such a n00b) and can frequently be found huddling around the latest copy of NAG or discussing the cinematic effects of Star Trek (while you swoon over Chris Pine's abs).

When Ziggy asked me that question I could see that he was slightly disappointed in my life choices- not choosing to get wasted and dance on table tops in burlesque dresses every Friday night.

Oppress us! Yes. Make fun. Mock. Mock away. But we know that you have that underlying fear that we are going to be your bosses one day (can anyone say Bill Gates?). BOOYAH.

You just got owned.